• 安捷伦ICPMS备件G1820-65336矩管


  • 2024-08-15 14:56 204
  • 产品价格:100
  • 发货地址:北京市海淀区北下关街道包装说明:.
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:
  • 信息编号:50199194公司编号:3354670
  • 王志 技术工程师
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  • 信息举报
    Article List for ICP GlasswareAgilent? / HP?
    Agilent / HP No.Description
    G3270-67002New Standard Torch, 2.5mm, 2 projections, HMI compatible
    G3285-80050Torch for PFA Insert Kit
    G1833-65425One Piece Torch, 1.0mm Injector (Agilent 7500)
    1 pc Torch 1.5mm Injector (HP4500, ETV)
    G1820-65028HP Torch 2.5 Injector
    G1833-65423One Piece Torch, 2.5mm Injector (Agilent 7500)
    G1833-65424One Piece Torch, 1.5mm Injector (Agilent 7500)
    G1820-65035HP HF Demountable Torch
    G1833-65422Demountable Torch, Inert (HP7500)
    HP Pyrex Spray Chamber 180 deg.
    G1820-65336Scott Spray Chamber, Inner/Outer Tube Flush, Drain & Exit 90°
    (HP 4500)
    HP Quartz Spray Chamber 180 deg.
    G1820-65337HP Quartz Spray Chamber 90 deg.
    G1820-65339HP Quartz Spray Chamber 90 deg. Extended Inner Tube
    Cyclonic Spray Chamber 
    Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Quartz
    HP Alumina Injector
    HP Qtz Injector
    G1833-65421QUARTZ BONNET
    HP Teflon Injector Holder
    HP Quartz Socket Adapter
    HP Quartz Ball Adapter
    G1820-80237HP Quartz Ball & Socket Adapter
    G1833-65416Ball & Socket Adapter (Agilent 7500)
    G3280-80001One Piece Torch, 2.5mm Injector (Agilent 7700)
    G1833-65430Clamp, Stainless Steel, #12, 2/pkg
    G3280-80004One Piece Torch, 1.5mm Injector (Agilent 7700)
    G3280-80005One Piece Torch, 1.0mm Injector (Agilent 7700)
    C-Type 1mlpm Concentric Nebulizer
    C-Type 3mlpm Concentric Nebulizer
    G1820-65030A-Type 3mlpm Concentric Nebulizer
    G1820-61138A-Type 3mlpm Quartz Concentric Nebulizer
    G1820-65033HP High Solids Cross-Flow Nebulizer
    G1833-80301Cross-Flow Nebulizer, High Flow
    G1820-65121Kynar? End Cap for use with Open End Spray Chamber 
    The use of Agilent? / HPTM part numbers is intended for convenience only, and does not imply that the products are Agilent? / HP TM origin. All products are guaranteed to be of high quality and suitable for use in the stated instrument. Agilent? / HP TM are a registred trade marks.
    S?ntis Analytical AGArticle List 2009

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